Blissful Relaxation and Spiritual Experience
(Serviced by Male Masters. 150 minutes approx.)
Connect to your higher consciousness and let the Nectar of blessings travel in your veins with a wonderful spiritual journey with us using cluster of therapies as the tool. Details of the therapy follows:
Preliminary Nadi cleansing: Using Pranayama to purify all the Chi or Prana inside our body's channels thereby bringing mind to rest and focus.
Duration:- 3 mins
Aromatherapy: Applying different compositions of aroma oils at different points on the body to make your mind and body calmer and healthier as the aromatic oils have the distinction of speeding up the healing process as it activates the body and the brain to fight anxiety, stress and enhances immunity thereby bringing clarity.
Duration:- 5 - 10 mins
Shiatsu and Aura cleansing: All the meridians located inside the body carries "Vital Life-force Chi" and imbalance in the Chi causes various health, mental and environmental obstacles and we can access all these by a gifted technique of Shiatsu massage, which uses slow and coordinated artistic hand and finger movements to access all the pressure points from head to toe to balance the Chi in each meridians thereby relaxing the muscles ,making body feel lighter and restoring mind to its natural state. This is followed by cleansing the aura by brushing stale and low vibrating energies to move away and to resonate with higher vibrations. Key to healthy life and Spirit lies in balancing the Chi.
Duration:- 1.5 hrs.
Grounding and Purging meditation: This method is applied at a mental level where the recipient is guided to visualize appropriate things to bring all conscious action to standstill and opening the door to sub conscious mind to get an access to the soul.
Though we are a product of Mother Earth but we are hardly connected to her and even forget to acknowledge it owing to all cacophony in our lives. Here we connect ourselves to the infinite care of the Mother Earth and guide our psyche to burn all our negativities which are nothing but mental imprints of past actions thereby purging our mind to prepare it for receiving Divine blessings in the form of Reiki.
Duration:- 30 min
Reiki: The Reiki Sensei(Master) invokes the Reiki life force energy in his body and palms and guided by the principles of the Reiki Ryoho Gakkai(Book of Healing) we apply Reiki at different parts of the body to drive out every small negativity and preparing the soul to experience the divinity.
Duration:- 30-45 min
Post script: The recipient should have had eaten a meal 2 hrs prior to the therapy and should discuss if he has allergy with any aroma oils and can discuss any problems he might be facing in both health and the mental front.